Saturday, December 13, 2008

Thermometer v1

Yesterday I have received the sample from Mill-Max, so I could solder the socket to the Arduino prototyping board

The SHT71 fits perfectly the socket:

Using the example code provided by the manufacturer ( and Wayne's code for the SHT15 I put together a C++ class for easy access and conversion to engineering units: myardu/lib/SHTxx.

The datasheet says that the sensor should not be used very often (not more than every 1.5 seconds), so I incorporated this into my class.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

LCD Test

After some hours of trying I've managed to make my new LCD working.
It is a LCM-S01602DSF/C, with a Samsung S6A0069 controller, that is compatible with HD44780 controllers.

The only problem is that according to the datasheet of the thermistor (SHT71) it should not be soldered. So I'm now trying to order a sample of a socket 851-93-004-20-001 from Mill-Max. I've found a place where it is $14 each, plus $15 for shipping, but I hope I will not have to order it.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

myarduino: the beginning

Today I've created a repository at github: to hold my Arduino projects. My first plan is to measure the temperature in my room with a Sensorion SHT75 and display it on an LCD (LUMEX LCM-S01602DSF/C). It is not much, but I hope it will be fun. The sensor and LCD should arrive tomorrow.